Rockshire Development and Town Square Management Set for Council Review

At its Monday, May 20, 2024 meeting, the Rockville Mayor and Council will discuss approval of the historical designation for 4 Courthouse Square (1930 Farmer’s Banking and Trust building, the last remaining Art Deco architecture in Rockville)(page 30). On the Consent Agenda (items approved without discussion) are purchase of a utility truck for $283,582; a cooperative agreement with the Chesapeake Bay Trust; bus transportation for recreation programs for $150,000, among others. The Mayor and Council will also receive reports on the development of 2401 Wootton Parkway in Rockshire by EYA Development LLC (272); amending building regulations in Chapter 5 of the City Code to align with international codes (571); the agreement with Morguard to manage Town Square (882); and a multiyear agreement with Rockville Economic Development Inc. (884).

Rockville Economic Development, Inc. (REDI) is requesting a multi-year agreement through June 30, 2028. Primarily supported by the City of Rockville, REDI promotes economic development and supports local businesses. In 2025, its proposed budget of $1.4 million includes $983,960 from the City of Rockville. The organization has ten staff members, with Cindy Stewart Rivarde as CEO and is currently chaired by Susan Prince, with Mayor Monique Ashton and Acting City Manager Craig Simoneau serving on the board.

The Mayor and Council are conducting hybrid meetings. If you wish to submit comments in writing for Community Forum or Public Hearings, please email the comments to by no later than 10:00 a.m. on the date of the meeting.

More details in the 905-page agenda packet (more than 90 Mb!) are available at